Sunday, July 30, 2017


under the blubber wold
wall or knife an absence
essential abscesential see
ps behind yr eye sees
a b one c locked among
red trees sunk over the
hill ASH TOWER we
t gr ease slat upon a
thr one forking day WH
turns and flees


ex plode ex
plain exude
ex dorm ant

c hip or c hop
es moco

should count fart
number ass
fecal wig

mud norm pul
gar bled use
less write sticks

bust it off
why gently
screw the shit

book mutt or
roof roof sped
off choking

no me dig
as pirin
a bé bé

tore it out
flopping was
sidewalk moon

simper feed
shuddered lunch

gas and hall
foot and leash
blood and rust

gagging lunch
your shoulder
's foggy load

crust of sky
crumb I saw

falling knife


reach the droom c
alled its chchamber's
sat lung wreathed an
SLEEVE clad wind c
locking in the sandwich
farm drains ah poison
ink rising toward the sea
m eat yr shirt regur
gitation SOONER THAN
no L no L ,the steps
,and shining grease

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

sin e

in capaz fr ente al p
ayaso défumé on le frappe
beaucoup en lisant le texte
imprimé )F. G.-L.( my
shirt ripped said pay aso ase
sino dribbled in a rain a
mirror under water was ton
pied tu zapatón una pied ra
es ines encia ,viajo por un es
pacio el mismo esp acio
siempre “donde” moras “d
onde” mueres despierto tu
cabezpejo en que no te ves
a wall of blood a corpse st
roke your hand un e muet
à fin de son prénom )F. G.-L.(
si lenc you commenc
qu lo dic todo

sans tentative de traduction

- Frédérique Guétat-Liviani


bor bot eo
no es nu be
il pleur je
su is ni sa is


rice risen in your hat a
doubled fork wet in
cision in your wallet's
gore each containment
shoulders all that gas was
liquid standing on your
hairs was ash imper ative
in your book's remote
control spit a tongue-sm
eared pen was clean or th
inking-mask was ripppling
down your face in a dry bowl's
sudden wave

wisdom storm ,angle of yr fat

Saturday, July 22, 2017


tête de l'ail e me vi
niinvisible stairs up
wind ay guacamaya
sin ojo sinojo stopped
on the temple's rim no
vi la tierra no vi el paso
piso le coeur de pierre's ph
one in a basement rings my
pallid garlic climbs the
sticky walls see
frogs see nostrils
spr out black roots

flutter on

so dog inflation sh
oe talk a walk
impale the sole

beside yr shot a
pancaked floor yr
outer rubble fogs

it's clock haha
blade of mist
coprolitunities it's

a wrap


beach mind
dactile dog s
crawl ,sand

just an eye

a fish's luminescent sleep
a mind's sand river
a cloud's plutonium thread

asterisks cluster on a waist
commas flicker on a skin
periods iterate in the azure

is descendant moth
is rudderless surf
is transparent labyrinth

lamination of a breeze
hollowing of a book
longing of a hand

the slashing of an eye
the ladder of an eye
the sentence of an eye

After Ivan Argüelles'

variations on a line” & “poet , the”

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

nor in nor out

endogenous flashes in my
coffin glue and saw a
dust-deep bed bu
rsts beneath my eye You
with water to rise by
falling tissue dance en
visioned as a blank un
libro torturado como car
ne de lavandería churns
was We at the roots of
doors the windows exogenous
foaming saw You in the blood
of envelopes me in the flo
oded hope could see a
lightproof pod of songs was
oil hosing from the dark anus
was the basement steps the cra
ckling concrete floor was my
face in sssleep

With lines from Jim Leftwich,

Synonymous Pronoun Poems, 1993


te mi do la
ca ra te to
co la len
gua gua gua

wake not

sleep and short
sleep and wall
sleep and stun

the outer cloud
the inner lake
the other spoon

is nor was
cream nor fall
bomb nor think

pencil in air
tongue in air
shoe in air

glass break is
window hair is
grave L step is

Sunday, July 16, 2017

for tune

slaw mite sings yr
gas intestino in tensivo
que me puse guaje mi
col rajado ,son áta me
desátame in cantado in
sectívoro sudado en mi
camisa de hule ,humming
,torcido sorta ,said my
stunned shade resonation
,cells in my bursting mouth
.in shade the swallowed
chord a strangled sh
adow ,bursts from the
nether hole

embolismo ,bólido ,c

aught the breath

for sure

plositive je su
is )hacia a
dentro( I'm a


pocket lint burial

bury your pocket lint
bury your whistled air
bury your foggy mask

salami in wind
tongue in wind
socks in wind

name a tree some time
fold a shirt last week
forget the swallowed fork

road or book
lung or book
mirror and book

is rain or was
is fingered pin
is rats a head

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

los pasos perdidos

I am not your foot )D. Lynch(
for all yr ashy needs cum
breabismo lock dog show sw
eat sleep fistula was your
daily rice INHALE THE
FOG was wilted soup step
away the snore's bang light
\\seeming drip ‘ ‘// nor shoe
beneath the beach a
temple ,lonely groan a
THTHUNDER'S backitch
flood I am not the walk
foot I am not not and
flood your second floor I am
not your second floor so
easy rumbled past a neck cr
eeping out the b eded neck's
skull-hung ::dim mu d d
rains be tween yr socks ,em
bandaged sammich am yr
steep claw grease

Ni ma gorge de son silence
- Paul Éluard


lawn wood
tie leg
eat a beetle

ant meat nest

where a nostril cross a
face swims a doorknob
blooms with grease is
ribless chains a
chair against the wall SIT
AND CHIN say nothing eve
ry voiced shoe sh
uffling toward your sou
p's clotted whistle oh
chew your glove thrust
that ant meat nest ,fi
ngered thinly through
your roach-stained pages
● ● holes and fingernails em
bedded in the binding( ( ( (

it and not ,windy sandwich

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

was you was I

I bubbled “in my shirt”
nod and left ,right be
fore the ash cloud
rised ,retained a shape
endured some dribbly fog a
,bag of cheetos smoulders
in the basement UNDER
STAIRS your rustling
cheek your CHEWS AND
CHEWS a doubled spoon
ir yr ant nest read the
swarming chains yr sleeves
pulse with legs ah ah
pile you leak and leak a
red shade wheezed inside yr thigh


shirt clam
calm ,dirt
,fuzz and
s cream


the luckiest day is your
throat 's st rong sewer
muscled u p yr leg 's h hot
stem sn aps off f inger
is yr sleep 's l ong h ánd
dale ¡cómete las plu mas
plurilactosas! suerte de
fango es ,y la muerte de la
mano es critora criptomán
tica , cri cri sis temática de lo
que sé no sé ,no me trago el
día ése ,h ours of frag rant fe
cal mur murs oozing from the
sky's blue screen

C'est ruiner l'ombre quotidienne
Sur des sommets perpétuels

- Paul Éluard

Saturday, July 1, 2017

stern life

pus and sueño lift my
dribbled deck ahead a
choke snore ahead a
dump steaming in
rain tus huevos duros as
tillados en el lavabo pis
tolero loose and wavy
in your luggage shots
sang out a spinning dog
it was a salami plate
beaded wet it was a sub
marine turning toward
a beach my laundry
molds ,shapes a memo

of yr face

open up

swollen door
a cheek th
inks in mou
the ,the knoB

ether matter

mountain word
canal word
name word

leaf an alphabet
leaf an echo
leaf emerge

was fear in a trunk
was bees in light
was silenced glass

sleep beside wind
rust above wind
thunder under wind

torn rags or mirror
torn breath or crevice
torn page or ants

Inhaled from Ivan Argüelles'